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Eat Attractions

180已有 1396 次閱讀  2014-07-29 18:08
Dinner time about women, under normal circumstances is to invite women to eat, women said they had eaten, she just polite, you do not think that even if she ate, if women do not care where to eat, you can choose to eat Pizza Hut's class place is not too high a price to, and secondly, there are exotic in the course of a meal if I liked women, can take the initiative to add other foods. eating Western food can best be seen whether the woman was a lady. not too tight, when something is first ask women if women say it does not matter, you'll spot some common points of food, ask the women have no food taboos Do not be too deduction door. eating after, if another very speculative and may continue to be walk. Finally, regardless of whether they intend to further develop each other, must be accountable to women obtain contact information. first time to meet the best control in three hours.

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